What do Avocados and Felonism Have in Common?
Exposing felonism in our culture is not going to be easy. Felonism has infiltrated the deepest corners of our society to the extent that it has already closed the minds of some very intelligent, educated people.
Just yesterday we had an exchange with a man who said the premise of our book, Felonism: Hating in Plain Sight, is incorrect even though his only exposure to this topic was the book cover and our 60 second verbal introduction. This gentleman was so passionate in his opposition to the concept of felonism that we offered him a free book on the condition that he read it. Though we appreciated his honest statement that he would not read it, we were baffled by his oppositional choices.
We have friends who have pretty much stated our book will never make progress and one family member insisted that we not use a “made up” word. Our response? “Obviously, you have not read our book.”
This is similar to trying to persuade someone that a vegetable or fruit they have never tasted is good. Haven’t we all had this conversation:
“Here, try this avocado (or some other food item that is new to them). It’s delicious and healthy.
“Oh no. I hate those things,” they reply with a turned up nose.
“Well, have you ever tried an avocado?”
“No, I can tell by looking at it that I don’t like avocado,” they respond with confidence.
Exasperated, you ask, “How do you know you don’t like it if you have never tried it?!?”, but the conversation will go on this illogical loop for a long as you are willing to engage. That’s how it works when you talk with someone who is confident in their closed mindedness.
We must agree with our relative, we did make up the words “felonism” and “felonist”. As we explain in the book, problems don’t get fixed until they are given a name. To some it may seem we were a bit presumptuous to coin a term for an oppression that directly affects over 70 million people in America. After all, we are not doctors, language or sociology experts. To us, it really does not matter who “made up” the term. Did you know the first person documented to have contracted AIDS died in 1959? Over the years, several more patients followed this resident of the Congo to their deaths as the result of the same virus, but it was not until 1980, when the virus was given its name, that serious research went into curing this deadly disease.
Even after the naming of AIDS, our nation was slow to work towards a cure. With constituent support, Presidents refused to fund AIDS research. Until AIDS came to their friends and families, people of power were happy to keep their minds and purse strings closed when it came to eliminating this devastating disease.
This pattern has repeated itself with felonism. Thousands of innocent people have died, trillions of tax payer dollars have been wasted, and in many ways society has become less safe as this unnamed, institutionalized prejudice stretched its tentacles into just about every school, public and private institution, and family in America. Can we really afford to have a closed mind toward these facts?
Opening our minds to the existence of felonism will initially be scary for those who currently deny its existence. If felonism is anything like AIDS, people may fear it will cost millions, distract resources from other much needed resources, and take decades to solve. The great news is, felonism is not AIDS. Shining a spotlight on its existence will erode half of its power in a very short time. Exposing the Abusers of Power, the lies they tell, the methods of manipulation they employ, and the power they have amassed will immediately weaken their stronghold on our society.
Just like taking that first bite of an avocado, it will taste strange and unfamiliar, but the healing benefits will overcome any sensation your taste buds find repugnant. Who knows, you may even grow to understand that life without felonism is very healthy for you and those you love.
Brilliant analogy!
Thanks, Patty. Now let’s convince the avocado-hatters of the world that felonism needs to GO!