Entries by Linda Polk

Could Bobby Bostic’s Story Be Real?

Hi: I am writing this letter to bring attention to an injustice that was done to a 16 year old juvenile in a Missouri courtroom. I need your assistance in bringing attention and awareness to this case. Bobby Bostic was 16 years old in 1995 when he and an older man committed the robbery of […]

An Almost Free Offer for You

Today through 3/29/2016 you can download our book on just about any electronic device for free at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CHBYIE8. In exchanage for the free book  we ask you 1) take time to read it, 2) write a post on Amazon.com to let others know what you think, and 3) share the book and this site with your […]

Felonism’s First Call to Action

The day I brought my daughter home from the hospital is very similar to this post. After nine months of anticipation (actually 18 months for this book), I sat down in the living room with this beautiful bundle of joy sleeping in my arms. Then a feeling of panic push out the thought, “Now what do I […]